About us
AVAL is a consortium of ten partner organizations (NGOs, Universities, and consulting firms) coming from 9 different European countries that pool their knowledge and experience in ECEC and teacher training to assure a valuable quality to the project work.
Please find below a short description of the partner organisations and local contact information.
| AMEI-WAECE (Coordinator)
Association Mundial de Educadores Infantiles
The World Association of Early Childhood Educators (AMEI-WAECE) is a participative and democratic non-governmental organization, not for profit, to service the educators of the smallest children to facilitate the elements that in any part of the world are demonstrating a better adequacy to their interests and development.
AMEI-WAECE is Associated with the DPI/NGO of the United Nations (UN), UNESCO Early Childhood Partner, Member of the OAS Civil Society and Education, Member of the UNICEF Peace Education Consortium and Media & Arts WANGO Award.
La Asociación Mundial de Educadores Infantiles (AMEI-WAECE) se define como una ONG participativa y democrática, sin ánimo de lucro y total y absolutamente independiente de ningún grupo político, económico o religioso. Está al servicio de los educadores de los niños más pequeños para facilitarles a los profesionales de la educación infantil, inicial y preescolar los elementos que, en cualquier parte del mundo, están demostrando una mejor adecuación para los intereses y desarrollo de niños y niñas. Se constituyó a finales de 1991 como movimiento de renovación pedagógica de la educación infantil (de 0 a 6 años).
Es Compañero de Primera Infancia de la UNESCO, está Asociada al DPI/NGO de las Naciones Unidas (UN), es miembro de la Sociedad Civil de la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA), entre otros.
Mrs. Elvira Sanchez-Igual
Email: comunicacion@waece.org
Innovation Training Center, S.L.
ITC is a team of experienced professionals who work hard to provide innovative solutions regarding entrepreneurship, training and R&D+i projects. We have our operational structure based in Spain, specifically in Andalusia and the Balearic Islands. We keep close relationships with different administrations, research institutes, public research and private institutions at regional, national and international level.
Our team has more than 25 years of experience in the entreprneurship, education and training sector. We provide our clients with real, feasible and profitable proposals. In this frame, we have defined a strategy to provide you and your organization to attract opportunities from those included in the so-called “triple helix”: government bodies, private and public research centers and universities.
Mrs. Begoña Arenas
Email: barenas@innovationtc.es
Institut für Lern-Innovation, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
The Innovation in Learning Institute (ILI) is the e-learning centre of the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) and as a research institute part of the Faculty of Philosophy.
An interdisciplinary team of around 30 scientists from the humanities and technology sciences researches and develops digital, media-supported learning over the entire life span, from school children to senior citizens. In a large network of European and national partners ILI realizes relevant projects and offers services, consulting and know-how transfer.
Das Institut für Lern-Innovation (ILI) ist das E-Learning-Zentrum der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) und als Forschungsinstitut Teil der Philosophischen Fakultät.
Ein interdisziplinäres Team aus etwa 30 Wissenschaftler*innen aus den Geistes- und Technikwissenschaften forscht und entwickelt zum Thema digitales, Medien-gestütztes Lernen über die gesamte Lebensspanne, von Schulkindern bis zu Seniorinnen und Senioren. In einem großen Netzwerk von europäischen und nationalen Partnern realisiert das ILI einschlägige Projekte und bietet Dienstleistungen, Beratung und Know-How-Transfer an.
Ms. Sandra Matthes
Email: sandra.matthes@ili.fau.de
Strategies and Tools to Enhance People’s Skills
STEPS is a recently born (2013) company which puts at disposal the skills of a group of experts with many years of experience. STePS pioneers approaches to formal and non-formal learning to enable personal growth as well as inclusive and sustainable change in organisations and territories.
To this purpose STePS elaborates and manages demand-driven projects aiming at the empowerment of individuals through personalised, collaborative and participative forms of learning. We favour equitable learning opportunities by using museum, libraries, theatres, gardens and even supermarkets as alternative learning environments but we do not renounce fundamental activities like proper training need analysis, assessment and validation of competence.
Mrs. Svenja Pokorny
Email: spokorny@stepseurope.it
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
The Budapest University of Technology and Economics (the second largest university in Hungary with more than 20 000 students) established in 1997 its Distance Education Centre which since May 2003 works with extended responsibility, including the tasks related to adult learning activities. The Centre works within the Institute of Continuing Engineering Education that was founded in 1939 as the first in Europe to be founded as a new type of university institute specialising in continuing education. The majority of the courses offered by the Institute are targeting continuous professional development, if requested even work based, on company grounds, on the fields of technical courses on various fields of engineering, economics-centered courses focusing on the aspects of management (including French MBA), courses in computer studies with informatics as the background, language and interdisciplinary courses, negotiation techniques for engineers and competencies as basics of lifelong learning. The tasks of the Centre for Learning Innovation and Adult Learning within the institute are complex: it aims at facilitating the introduction of new technologies in teaching and learning by e-learning course development, and it also provides organisational and methodological services for adult learning at the University and is also offering e-learning courses and training in the fields of instructional design, course development and digital student support.
Centre for Learning Innovation and Edult Learning, www.edu-inno.bme.hu
Mr. Dénes Zarka
Email: zarkakis@edu-inno.bme.hu
| Petit Philosophy
Association Petit Philosophy is a non-profit organization based in Croatia since 2009. Petit Philosophy creates and delivers informal educational programs based in practical philosophy. These programs provide innovative and accessible ways of learning by developing critical and creative thinking and raise awareness of the role of practical philosophy in the development of civil society.
Activities: promote and improve the development of critical and creative thinking, promoting lines of expressing one’s opinion and communication skills, organizes seminars, lectures, conferences and public forums in the field of education sector, philosophy with children, critical thinking, encourage activism in the local community, promoting civic initiatives, public information, individuals and groups about the possibilities through NGOs and the creation of citizens ‘initiatives and the realization of common interest.
Ms. Ivana Kragić
Email: kragic.ivana@gmail.com
Center for advancement of research and development in educational technology ltd
CARDET (Center for the Advancement of Research & Development in Educational Technology) is an independent, non-profit, non-governmental, research and development organization based in Cyprus, with partners around the world. It is one of the leading institutions in the Euro-Mediterranean region for research and development. Our mission is to inspire next generation education, and to promote research, innovation, and development through evidence-based practices, cutting-edge research, and empowered people. Our team strives to offer the highest quality services to benefit society. We collaborate with local and international organizations, public and private bodies, and across diverse disciplines in designing solutions for local and global challenges.
Mrs. Elena Xeni
Email: elena.xeni@cardet.org
Militos Consulting S.A. is a dynamic and innovative 360° consultancy firm, with a strong European profile, international experience and many distinctions in the provision of integrated and ground-breaking consultancy services in a wide spectrum of fields, including Gamification and Digital Applications, Skills Empowerment, Entrepreneurship Education, Vocational Education and Training (VET), Communication, Community Building and Awareness Measures, Event Management, Social Innovation, Culture, etc.
With a track record of 60 EU-funded projects and activities, as leader or partner, Militos has sound experience in project management and implementation of large-scale and complex projects as well as in depth understanding of European policies. Militos has expertise in the conceptualisation, development and operation of new and sustainable train-the-trainer methodologies, interactive e-learning tools, online immersive games and mobile applications, etc. currently implementing more than 20 related European projects while some of its past projects have been officially recognized as best practices.
Militos holds extensive experience and expertise in mobilising communities, building and activating networks, designing, managing and implementing demanding events and large-scale campaigns and is well known for the smart, inventive, high aesthetic and quality material it produces (logos, leaflets, banners, website mockups, vortals, videolands, online games, teasers for social media, interactive blogs, etc).
Overall, within the last 6 years, Militos has organised more than 185 multidimensional events and dissemination actions with more than 65.000 participants, having received many distinctions for the quality of its services, the innovative content, the influence, efficiency and impact of its communication activities, including 2 european awards (DG AGRI), ie. the Special Public CAP Award for the widest outreach in Europe (1st place) and the Award for Innovative Communication in the EU CAP (3rd place) for the LLP project farmsup! on the promotion of agro-entrepreneurship. Militos holds a multidisciplinary team of 10 people, a large network of external experts and more than 350 synergies worldwide.
Mr. Kyriakos Lingas
Email: lingas@militos.org
Univerza v Ljubljani – Teološka fakulteta
University of Ljubljana Faculty of Theology
Faculty of Theology is part of the University of Ljubljana (UL) and was among its five founding faculties in 1919 when it was established. The Faculty of Theology has its roots in medieval monastic and cathedral schools and holds a prominent position among the oldest universities. Its predecessors were the Jesuit College which existed in Ljubljana between 1601 and 1773. The Faculty has a long tradition in international cooperation.
Researchers from the faculty have in the past participated in several EU sponsored and other international projects, initiatives, and activities. The faculty has extensive knowledge and experience in the field of theological and biblical studies, historical studies, reconciliation and dialogue studies, combining them with social, educational and cultural aspects. Our top fields thus include philosophy, ethics and values education, Gestalt psychology and marriage and family therapy. The faculty implements and promotes basic, applied and developmental research and is pursuing excellence and the highest quality as well as the highest humanist and ethical criteria. We promote and strive towards an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary study with an exchange of results of achievements in science with other universities and scientific research institutions. The faculty collaborates with public and private sector organizations, including close connections with local communities, church organizations and civil society. Within this cooperation, we accelerate the use of own research and educational achievements and contribute to the social development and well-being of individuals.
The faculty also has a project management office and other key infrastructure for development and implementation of collaborative projects. We have our own extensive publishing activity with top-ranked journals (Theological Quarterly and other journals and book series) as well as an established collaboration with international publishers.
Ms. Mateja Centa
Email: mateja.centa@teof.uni-lj.si
| Spektrum
Fundatia Centrul Educational Spektrum, Romania
The Spektrum Educational Centre was established in 1996 on the initiative of the Open Society Foundation. The mission of the Center is to offer various educational services, urging for a proactive, cooperative and successful community. As a self-sustaining, dynamic organization that is open to cooperation, our aim is to offer a wide range of formal and informal trainings to the organizations wishing to develop in the region, and individuals wishing to improve their knowledge, skills and competences without age limits.
Ms. Zsófia Pál
Email: advise@sec.ro